asjaGen (nowadays TOTEM ENERGY) takes the spotlight at the Smart Energy Expo first edition

The Smart Energy Expo (Verona, October 9th – 11th) was a great success both for asjaGen (from the 21st of September 2015 on, TOTEM ENERGY) and its TANDEM. The Energy efficiency fair, at its first edition, registered an impressive number of visitors seeking cost effective and energy saving innovations.

During the 3 day long event, the asjaGen (TOTEM ENERGY) stand was constantly crowded by engineers, technicians, fitters, entrepreneurs, all of them captivated by the micro CHP T20 on display, and its many applications.

Micro-cogeneration was also the topic of the workshop led by asjaGen (TOTEM ENERGY) and attended by engineers and experts in the field, where benefits and cost saving features were shown to the large audience.

>> TG Smart interview (Italian language) | Alessadro Casale | CEO asjaGen